The Phage Art Competition 2024

Winners of “The Phage Art Competition, 2024”

“The Phage Art Competition, 2024” comes to an end and The Phage is excited to announce the finalists. The Competition began on 1-December-2024 and the submission deadline was 31-December-2024. After this, the artwork was judged by a mix of phage scientists, microbiologists, and the general public who voted to select the top four entries. The participants had to create an artwork that represents bacteriophages (viruses that infect bacteria) or anything related. The artwork could be digital, hand-drawn, computer-generated, or any other creative form of art, with a short description that describes what inspired them for that particular artwork.

All the finalists had a public poll of their artworks featured on LinkedIn, where the public voted for the overall winner. The winner was selected based on the highest number of likes and reposts (Which were counted as votes) of their artwork.

The highest number of votes went to Victoria Paz Rojas Martínez who submitted an incredible piece of cookie art!

The Phage Art Competetion 2024 winner
The Phage Art Competition 2024 winner <span style=margin 0pxpadding 0px><strong>Victoria Paz Rojas Martínez<strong><span> submission

In their own words: “It’s almost Christmas!! So a cookie of a phage infecting a bacterium is the best way to celebrate!”

This was followed by Leilani Nguyen, who submitted a unique Crocheted phage artwork!
In their own words: “Crocheted phage and bacteria”.

Followed by Namritha Maniyodath, with their eye-catching Lippan artwork, has submitted a very unique kind of Lippan art originating from India! In their own words: “I thought of using Lippan art for this competition as it is unique to India. This art form uses mirrors to give a shimmering effect. So, the round board is a gram-negative bacteria infected with bacteriophages.”

Finally, this was followed by Skanda Ravindra presented us with a fantastic art image showcasing Phage’s curiosity. In their own words, “I am quite new and a bit less informed when it comes to knowledge on Bacteriophages. However, I do want to try my best to encapsulate these amazing organisms and the functions and abilities it exercise through my artwork. :)”

All four finalists will be receiving a copy of a new Chris Shaffer book, FINDING PHAGE: How I Partnered with a Friendly Virus to Cure My Deadly Bacterial Superinfection, the 1st and 2nd place winners will also receive Amazon gift vouchers worth 10 British pounds each.

Check the competition details here

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