Is a bacteriophage living or non-living entity? January 7, 2023 Phages, like other viruses, have a complex life cycle that causes them to be classified as non-living, despite the fact that they exhibit some of the…
The Lytic and Lysogenic Cycles of the Bacteriophage January 7, 2023 A virus is a microscopic, intracellular parasitic organism. It infects the host cell and uses its chemical machinery to make its own proteins and…
Halteria: The first known virus-eating organisms January 4, 2023 In the microscopic world, some bacteria have been observed to feed on other bacteria, and viruses have been observed to infect bacteria. But for…
Exploring Phage T4: The Most Popular Virus of Microbes December 30, 2022 Phages or Bacteriophages are viruses that mainly infect bacteria. They are highly specialized and have evolved over time to become the most abundant biological…
Phage typing for bacterial strain detection and identification December 13, 2022 What is phage typing? Phage typing is a quick, accurate, and low-cost phenotypic method that uses bacteriophage specificity to detect and identify single strains…
bacteriophage vs prophage: What is a difference? November 22, 2022 The primary distinction between prophage and bacteriophage is that prophage is a viral genome that has been integrated into a bacterial genome, whereas bacteriophage…
Phagemids: Phage plasmid hybrid vector August 12, 2022 Due to its development as a hybrid of filamentous phage and plasmids, a phagemid is a cloning vector that can grow as a plasmid…
Top 4 most used Phage Display Systems (The Phage blog) July 4, 2022 The most often utilized bacteriophages in phage display are filamentous bacteriophages from E. coli (f1, fd, and M13), while T4, T7, and phage have…
Inoviridae (Filamentous phages): Bacteriophages with a unique replication cycle July 3, 2022 Bacteriophage is a term used to describe viruses that infect bacteria and archaea. While most phages are ‘micro predators’ that kill their bacterial hosts,…
Game Theory between Bacteriophages and Pathogens May 19, 2022 Game theory is widely used to analyze economic and social behaviours. Game theory is also used to analyze biological behaviour as well, just as…