Bacteriophages: Nature’s Solution to Drug-Resistant Bacteria October 3, 2022 Bacteria are microorganisms that are present everywhere on Earth. They are essential for the proper functioning of many ecosystems and are used in a…
Antibiotic drugs and Bacteriophages: Are they synergistic or antagonistic? October 2, 2022 Many scientists, particularly those working on antimicrobial resistance, want to create the most effective anti-superbug weapon (multidrug-resistant strains of bacteria). Meanwhile, the central question…
Isolation of edwardsiella-specific bacteriophages from fish September 11, 2022 Aquaculture, the culture of all types of aquatic animals and plants in fresh, back rush, and marine water environments, is one of the fastest-growing…
Jumbo phage chimallin (ChmA) protein: The answer to CRISPR-Cas bacterial defense system? August 19, 2022 Loughlin et, 2020 Jumbo phages are bacteriophages (phages) with genetic information (genomes) larger than 200 kilobases. These phages are known as “jumbo” because they…
Phagemids: Phage plasmid hybrid vector August 12, 2022 Due to its development as a hybrid of filamentous phage and plasmids, a phagemid is a cloning vector that can grow as a plasmid…
Top 4 most used Phage Display Systems (The Phage blog) July 4, 2022 The most often utilized bacteriophages in phage display are filamentous bacteriophages from E. coli (f1, fd, and M13), while T4, T7, and phage have…
Inoviridae (Filamentous phages): Bacteriophages with a unique replication cycle July 3, 2022 Bacteriophage is a term used to describe viruses that infect bacteria and archaea. While most phages are ‘micro predators’ that kill their bacterial hosts,…
Game Theory between Bacteriophages and Pathogens May 19, 2022 Game theory is widely used to analyze economic and social behaviours. Game theory is also used to analyze biological behaviour as well, just as…
Are Bacteriophages (Phages) DNA Or RNA Viruses? May 11, 2022 DNA and RNA. Credit Gabriela Slizewska A bacteriophage, also known as a phage, is a virus that infects and replicates within bacteria and archaea….
What do Bacteriophage Diagrams Look Like? (Morphological classification of bacteriophages) May 4, 2022 What do bacteriophages look like? In both academic and non-academic contexts around the world, a well-shaped particle with a clearly separated head, tail (neck,…