The adventure of bacteriophage adsorption to the bacteria and the brownian motion October 2, 2021 How do phages adsorb to bacteria? Did you know that phage adsorption to bacterial cells involves Brownian motion? If no, then you are just…
Review: Can phages have a third life cycle? September 23, 2021 Have you ever heard of bacteriophages (phages)? If yes, then what about Pseudolysogeny? The two words are in one way or the other interconnected…
Antiviral properties of bacteriophages July 24, 2021 Bacteriophages are viruses known to attack bacteria. Their effectiveness in eradicating the most antibiotic-resistant bacteria piqued scientists’ interest in the prospect of using them…
Which kind of lab is supposed to handle bacteriophages? June 17, 2021 Bacteriophages are viruses that affect bacteria and not plants, humans,s or any other mammals; due to their specificity, it poses no harm to other…
Problems of electron microscopy (TEM) for bacteriophages June 9, 2021 Transmission electron microscopy history Transmission electron microscope Electron microscopy has always had problems with imaging and interpretation, but the rise of digital electron microscopy…
How to make an outstanding media (agar) plate June 5, 2021 Whether they contain TSA, MHA, LB, M9, or any other medium, making agar plates is a simple procedure. But there are a few finer…
How to determination of the number of phage particles in a stock (phage titration) June 4, 2021 Phage titration (determination of the number of phage particles in stock) is an essential molecular biology technique. Most of the time, it does after…
Protocol for Mechanical Dissociation and DNA Extraction of sample (Using QIAmp DNA Mini Kit) June 2, 2021 This protocol was designed for microbiome analysis in sputum (although other samples can be used with slight modifications) and was adapted and used in…
The virus that lives in sputum to feed on deadly bacteria (in patients with Cystic fibrosis) June 2, 2021 Introduction: There is a recent study about the extraction and detection of phage DNA from a sputum sample done by scientists from Stanford University…
Bacteriophage host range determination (Culture-Based Approach) May 23, 2021 Bacteriophage host range is by definition a repertoire of bacterial species and strains that are able to support the multiplication of the given virus….